A mini-podcast about life’s challenges and how to overcome them.

LifeTherapyThoughts Podcast

The Focus of the Podcast

Join me for LifeTherapyThoughts as I dive into topics that range from what generates anxiety, depression, pain, and relationship conflicts, all the way to keys to unlocking our capacity for resilience in the face of major life obstacles and challenges. These episodes build on understanding relevant brain science, ancient wisdom, sources of creativity, forms of connection, healthy aging, and more. Listen in. I trust you’ll come away inspired.

Each month, I’ll post a new podcast episode for your listening pleasure. Whether the episode will feature me alone or an interview and discussion with a special someone else, your curiosity will be peaked, your understanding of important topics will be deepened, and your view of yourself and that of others in this amazing and challenging world will be powerfully engaged. Welcome aboard LifeTherapyThoughts.

I am a clinical psychologist who has been in active clinical practice for 35 years. I earned my PhD at the Rosalind Franklin School of Medicine & Science. In my graduate program, I studied neuropsychology - the exploration of how brain function impacts our behavior. Over the years, I have extensively studied our our evolutionary history, our social connection and attachment needs, how the world’s wisdom traditions have provided us with timeless ways to face the challenges and mine the joy of life, and how modern science has identified numerous proven approaches for experiencing contentment, fulfilment, and meaning in our days despite the mental and physical hardships we encounter along the way. The intersection of these subjects is what the LifeTherapyThoughts podcast is all about.